To dream of Gandhi is a strong symbol of your personal courage and strength. There may be a situation in your waking life in which you can help others with your passionate convictions and humility.
Sitting beside Gandhi is suggesting that it may be time for you to stand up for a belief you hold close to your heart. Gandhi's appearance in a dream is a reminder to have faith and to release any doubt you may have in yourself.
To dream about a geisha signifies allure, attractiveness, grace, and elegance.
To dream that you are a geisha suggests that you are stable in your private and social life. You adapt to well to different situations.
Girl Scout 
To see a girl scout in your dream symbolizes teamwork, camaraderie, and strong social values.
If you're a girl scout in your dream, it indicates your desire to helping people in the name of honor and the betterment of society.
A dream about Godfather represents a divinely appointed guardian of authority over you in the case that mom and dad are not sufficiently able to perform their duty and obligation to you. When your internal guidance is inefficient to gauge a situation, the symbolic Godfather is a supplementary and even replacement guide.
Dreaming about Godmother represents a divinely appointed guardian of nurturing, understanding, caring and supportive guidance in the case that mom and dad, whom are your higher thought process that governs your external actions, are not sufficiently able to perform their duty and obligation in guiding you.
To dream about your grandmother indicates safety, comfort, and unwavering love. Think about the attributes that your own grandmother exemplifies.
To dream about your grandparents indicates affection, comfort, intelligence, and safety.
To dream that you are looking for your grandparents suggests that you seek out affection and security in your life. You could be slipping back into childhood desires.
To dream of a guru implies that you want to persuade others to follow your beliefs. You are constantly seeking to gain wisdom and motivation.
To dream of a gymnast represents intensity, poise, and flexibility. You are working towards your goals.
To dream of a gypsy implies that you want to live your life without restrictions. It may also mean that you should set some solid goals and objectives.
To dream that you are a hairdresser indicates that you are pressing your morals or beliefs onto other people. You may have to work on your own self-esteem and increase your positive image. On the contrary, this could indicate your thoughts or beliefs about your sexuality.
The harpy represents an attacking female in a dream. In Greek mythology, the harpy's large claws swoop in and snatch away life sustaining food. A woman in your life may be tormenting you by attacking your emotional core. You feel exhausted by repeated small attacks which are slowly draining you.
Harry Potter 
A dream of meeting Harry Potter implies that you have a challenging path ahead of you, but if you follow your heart, you can overcome any obstacle. It is important to find out what makes you special and to draw upon that as a source of power. To dream that you are Harry Potter means that you are already upon this challenging path and will soon meet success. You may also need to rely upon the strength of your friends.
Inside each one of us is a child who would like to be a hero and save the world. All heroes likewise have their weaknesses, which hinders them from performing their objective.
To dream that you're a hero points to both your strengths and weaknesses. It demonstrates your bravery and fearlessness.
To dream of being homosexual when you are straight in your waking life means that you're in harmony with yourself. It's a sign of self-acceptance.
To dream of being homosexual indicates feelings of uneasiness. It connotes doubt and worries towards your relationships with the opposite sex.
If you're actually homosexual then your true nature is expressing itself through the dream.
*Please See Prostitute
To dream of your husband indicates your feelings for and relationship with him.
To dream of having a husband when you are single points to relationships in general. Most girls look for their father's personality or traits while choosing their life partners. Those traits often represent the male side of a girl's character. All this is represented when a girl dreams of a husband with all those traits she admires or dreads.
To dream of an imp represents turmoil and confusion. You are going through some challenges in real life. Alternatively, the imp signifies the pessimistic and reticent side of your personality.
To dream of an imposter suggests deception may be at play in your waking life. Be alert for meetings with others that generate ill feeling within. To dream of yourself as an imposter indicates certain denial of your own feelings. The message is to stop and take stock of your emotions in order to renew your intention to honor your own truth in all situations.