Results: 'teeth falling out' - Page: 9 of 12 | 115+ symbols found..

Blueprint  No comments yet

To see a blueprint in your dream suggests that there is an urgent need to over-analyze a situation or issue. You may be experiencing a personal transformation. You are trying to be more open-minded and accepting of other opinions.

Disappear  No comments yet

To dream that people or objects are disappearing right before your eyes suggests that you have fears or concerns about the idea that those close to you could vanish. You may not believe that you are worthy of others' love or that you cannot count on them. Your self-image requires attention. This dream could also indicate that you have not paid enough attention to the attributes about yourself that are represented by this person. You may have neglected some part of you.

Exhausted  No comments yet

*Please See Tired.

McDonalds  No comments yet

A dream of McDonald's may refer to the entire idea of fast. You might be speeding through life too fast.
Alternatively, you might be having problems with your diet. A dream of fast food may indicate that you are worried about not getting proper nutrition.

Paralyzed  No comments yet

To feel paralyzed in a dream is very common. When you are not sleeping deeply, your mind becomes aware of the fact that you are not moving in your bed and the illusion of your dream is broken. Your mind assumes you are paralyzed in the dream world as a way of explaining the sensation that you are not moving in your bed.
Symbolically, to be paralyzed in a dream may represent your feelings of lack of control. You may also feel an inability to prevent something in which you want to stop.

Toothbrush  No comments yet

To dream about seeing or using a toothbrush indicates that you are wounded by negative appraisals of your behavior or abilities. You are erecting defenses against possible blows. It could also mean that you are vain about your looks and concerned about how other people view you.

Toothpicks  No comments yet

To dream about toothpicks indicates that you are being too choosy. It also means that you nitpick about minor matters.

To dream about using a toothpick represents how you contributed to a friend's disgrace.

Implements  No comments yet

To dream of implements refers to substandard or underhanded means of completing a task.
To notice broken implements in your dream suggests a breakdown in business or serious sickness of a friend or relative.

Observatory  No comments yet

To dream that you are seeing an observatory symbolizes your great ambitions and desires in life.

Screwdriver  No comments yet

To dream of a screwdriver signifies your desire to repair a damaged situation or relationship. It may also represent a person in your life who needs your help to deal with certain issues.