Results: 'snake in a number' - Page: 5 of 7 | 67+ symbols found..

Stranded  No comments yet

To dream that you are stranded suggests that you feel distanced from others in your life. You are hoping to be assisted and escorted from this deserted existence.

Windmill  No comments yet

To dream of a working windmill symbolizes the great power of your mind. It may also indicate the current state of your emotional self.

To dream of a broken or idle windmill implies unknown and unexpected obstacles in your path.

Anaconda  No comments yet

To dream of an anaconda signifies your inventiveness and prospects. This creature also indicates a personal need to focus on your sexuality.

Cardinal  No comments yet

To dream of a cardinal symbolizes energy, enthusiasm, and bliss. It can also indicate that you will win an award or excel over your peers in an event or situation.

Crawling  No comments yet

To dream that you are crawling implies that you have put much deliberation and research in your pursuit of your objectives. It may also mean that you are not striving as hard as you should be. You can achieve more than you give yourself credit for. To dream that you are crawling out of a wreck or ruins symbolizes your determination and persistence.

To dream that someone is crawling towards you implies that you want to dominate a situation or manipulate it for your benefit.

Thirteen  No comments yet

To dream about the number thirteen symbolizes the cycle of life and the transitions of existence. It represents the hurdles you face. It signals that you must show grit and determination in order to achieve your ambitions.

Fourteen  No comments yet

To dream of the number fourteen represents your desire to adjust to situations as they happen. It also represents the notion of giving in to what feels good and not necessarily what is right. You should sharpen your focus on your ambitions and resolve.

Eighteen  No comments yet

To dream of the number eighteen signifies materialistic desires as well as issues of corporeal affects. It can be a warning of deceit or others taking advantage of you.

Nineteen  No comments yet

To dream of the number nineteen suggests freedom and the conquering of personal challenges. You will realize the need to make a stand. Dreaming of number nineteen denotes bullheadedness and the refusal to accept assistance from others.

Zip Code  No comments yet

To dream of zip codes suggests that you are not connecting with messages that are trying to get through to you. This is due to stress. This also suggests that you may need to start a meditation routine.

Dreaming of a specific zip code implies an urgent request from your unconscious to calm your mind and mental state.