Results: 'snake in a number' - Page: 4 of 7 | 67+ symbols found..

Eleven  No comments yet

To dream about the number eleven represents instinct, transcendentalism, faith, and the ability to do anything you want. It represents the imagination you have within.

Twelve  No comments yet

To dream of the number twelve denotes divine protection and renewed spirituality.

Volume  No comments yet

Changes in volume in a dream represent changes in level of attention. For example, a dream in which you hear everything very softly, as if the volume has been turned down indicates that you should be listening carefully for a signal.
Low volume in a dream may also indicate that you feel disconnected from the world, that what happens around you does not affect you very much or that you are not having much impact upon the world.
To dream that your own voice is on a low volume represents your desire to be heard. You may need to become more outspoken in order to gain success. Loud volume in a dream symbolizes overbearing or overwhelming elements in your life.

Reptile  No comments yet

To dream that you are being attacked by a reptile warns of a grave concern in your future. It further suggests a friend who will turn against and discredit you.

To dream you are safely handling a reptile symbolizes your permissiveness in the face of sarcasm and demeaning jokes from your friends. It further suggests that this bitter breakdown will lead to subsequent renewal of friendship.

To dream that you are bitten by a reptile signifies the emotional depression and anguish from losing your beloved to a rival.

To dream that a dead reptile comes back to life symbolizes an old problem whose resolution turned out to be temporary, but later became the solution.

Address  No comments yet

To dream about your old address, you may have to assimilate your past. If your dream is about a new address, you may need to make a change.

To dream that you're writing an address on an envelope, you may have to investigate some new opportunities. Before deciding on action, analyze your options with care.

Analyst  No comments yet

To dream that you are an analyst indicates that you should re-evaluate your conduct and deeds.

To see an analyst in your dream means that you should change your behavior towards a certain matter or circumstance.

Ancient  No comments yet

To dream of an ancient theme indicates that you feel secure in your position. You are practical and you take lessons from failures and experiences.

Fifteen  No comments yet

The number fifteen signifies that tough circumstances are coming to an end.

Sixteen  No comments yet

To dream of sixteen represents spiritual virtue and purity. It signifies replacing previous attributes, perceptions, or opinions with fresh ideas and outlooks. Your inner self has been renewed and revitalized.

Revolver  No comments yet

To dream of a revolver embodies lurking peril.

To dream of your lover in possession of a revolver represents a disagreement with other people and a possible parting with your lover.

*See Pistol or Gun.