Results: 'screaming for help' - Page: 24 of 26 | 255+ symbols found..

Fire Engine  No comments yet

To dream of a fire engine indicates that you are focusing on both the needs of yourself and others. You tend to be overly concerned with things of which you have no control over. You need to cease trying to solve everyone's problems and know when to stay out of the way.

Living Room  No comments yet

To dream that you are in the living room indicates how you are as a person and how others perceive the way you live. It is suggestive of your principles and beliefs.

Tarot Cards  No comments yet

To dream about tarot cards means that you are looking for answers in uncommon places. You are worried about you future or you are uncertain about a big decision. If you are doing a reading with the tarot cards in your dream, you will be giving life changing advice to a friend or family member.

Magic Carpet  No comments yet

To dream that you are riding a magic carpet implies that you have managed to resolve difficult issues and solve problems that you thought were impossible. You have been able to achieve more than you originally thought.

Snowboarding  No comments yet

To dream that somebody is snowboarding implies that you have been able to face your anxieties and develop your potential.

Trailer Home  No comments yet

To dream that you live in a trailer home suggests that you feel unimportant and worthless. On one hand, it may mean that you can take on any challenge and are able to adapt to any situation or circumstance that you are hurled into.

Weather Vane  No comments yet

To dream of a weather vane is a symbol of the unpredictable nature of life. Some event in your waking life may be making you feel like you are getting nowhere; you are simply treading water. If you are a particularly vain person, you can take the weather vane as a play on words. Consider working on your vanity.

File Cabinet  No comments yet

To dream about a file cabinet indicates that you should keep your reality and details correct. The file cabinet could indicate the thoughts or extraneous details that you require occasional access to.

To dream that the drawers of the file cabinet are open wide suggests your willingness to accept other thoughts, concerns, ideas, and concerns.

To dream that the file cabinet is locked indicates that you would like to keep something hidden from others. This dream could also suggest that you are being stubborn.

Ex Boyfriend  No comments yet

To dream about an ex-boyfriend from your youth indicates that you are currently involved in a more relaxed relationship. This dream guides you to a period in your life when your adult responsibilities were not important and wouldn't get in the way of love. You might be required to grab onto the feelings of youth that are missing from your current situations.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend is offering you opinions about a current boyfriend indicates that you will be less likely to make the same mistakes you did in a previous relationship.

To dream that you are getting a massage from an ex-boyfriend indicates that you should let go of some of the barriers that you have constructed. Putting faith in others is difficult but necessary for your well-being.

To dream that your ex-boyfriend gave you a stuffed animal indicates that you are looking for comfort and attention within your current relationship. This doesn't mean that you want your ex-boyfriend back, but this dream may indicate an aspect of the relationship you had with your ex-boyfriend that wasn't mature or fulfilling.

Shopping Cart  No comments yet

To dream of seeing or using a shopping cart symbolizes the goals that you have achieved through dedication and commitment. If the shopping cart is empty, then it indicates that your methods are proving to be unsuccessful and you need to seek an alternate approach.