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Guillotine  No comments yet

To dream of a guillotine represents the expression of intense feelings such as rage and wrath. You are being too impulsive when it comes to making decisions. You need to be more patient and rational instead of doing or saying something you may regret.

Lighthouse  No comments yet

To dream of a lighthouse symbolizes your journey to seek guidance and enlightenment through trials and tribulations.

Abandonment  No comments yet

One's own abandonment in a dream indicates the need to relinquish previous emotions and traits that are impeding personal advancement. Insubstantial beliefs and thoughts must be abdicated. This dream could be naturally analyzed as illustrating your phobia of being left behind, forsaken or double-crossed. Do thoughts that others disregard your ideas or beliefs frequently visit you?

Recently experiencing or fearing the loss of a loved-one could trigger this abandonment dream. This phobia may subconsciously embody itself in your dream and thus serves as a vital component of dealing with and surpassing losing someone you cared about. Struggles from your youth or uncertain emotions could also be the cause of this dreams' appearance.

If you are the one deserting others in your dream, this illustrates your being overpowered by your own conflicts and struggles.

Parking Lot  No comments yet

To dream of a parking lot represents the need to slow down and take some time to unwind from your chores and responsibilities.

Dreaming of difficulty in locating a parking space implies your inability to find your place. You may still be exploring and discovering your skills or a niche where you are likely to excel. On the other hand, it may suggest business and lack of time to accomplish important tasks.

Pocketknife  No comments yet

To dream of a pocketknife hints of a friend who is reticent to show his true feelings for you.

Rubber Band  No comments yet

To dream of a rubber band denotes a need to be more flexible in your dealing with others. You need to stretch the way you react, imagine, or conceptualize plans.

To see a rubber band snap signifies that you are overburdened. You have overstretched yourself.

Screwdriver  No comments yet

To dream of a screwdriver signifies your desire to repair a damaged situation or relationship. It may also represent a person in your life who needs your help to deal with certain issues.

Thermometer  No comments yet

To dream that you are reading a thermometer signifies deficient transactions in commerce and trouble at home.

To dream about a broken thermometer could signal the onset of sickness. Dreaming about a rise in a thermometer's mercury means that you can stave off bad breaks in your commercial dealings. To see the mercury falling foretells major financial strife.

Wine Cellar  No comments yet

To dream of a wine cellar indicates good times and great pleasure.

Circumcised  No comments yet

To dream that you are being circumcised implies that you are shedding an important aspect of your personality or character. It may also indicate that you are erecting barriers to prevent further emotional wounds.