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Bloodstone  No comments yet

If you dream of a bloodstone, consider what it means to you personally. For instance, does someone you know wear a piece of bloodstone jewelry? Or maybe you encountered a bloodstone on a trip somewhere. If a bloodstone means something to you or reminds you of something, your subconscious is simply trying to awaken memories of that instance or person. If bloodstones do not have any meaning to you, then they suggest uncovering the truth or exploring nature.

Nasturtiums  No comments yet

To dream of nasturtiums indicates an unusual conversation may occur, and it suggests keeping all your senses alert. There may be unexpected emotional gifts or connections related to an unusual conversation.

Santa Claus  No comments yet

Santa Claus in a dream represents comfort and happiness because he may have a strong connection to your father.
Alternatively, Santa Claus may represent Christmas.
A Santa Claus who appears menacing in a dream indicates that you are feeling stressed preparing for a holiday.
To see someone dressed as Santa Claus in a dream applies the characteristics of Santa Claus to them. For example, to see your brother dressed as Santa Claus indicates that you believe he is a kind and generous person.

Academy Awards  No comments yet

A dream of yourself involved in the film winning the Academy Awards or Oscars, can be seen as a direct manifestation of your goals in the movies or other related entertainment fields.
Dreaming of the Academy Awards when you have no professional link to the industry indicates the desire to be successful, liked, and recognized for your achievements.

Valentine's Day  No comments yet

To dream of Valentine's Day implies a romantic heart and that you hope to bring a deeper love into your life.

Dreaming of feeling sad or disappointed on Valentine's day suggests that it is time to make a strong commitment to your own happiness. You may need to organize a special ritual just for yourself: for example, write a 'love letter' and read it to yourself in the moonlight.

Queen of Hearts  No comments yet

To dream of the queen of hearts indicates either the opportunity to meet your mate and fall in love, or to renew a love that may have been flagging through unawareness and inattentiveness.

There is a sense of trepidation if the queen of hearts appears in a dream, as though yielding to love is a great risk. The message is to yield anyway and open up to a realm of possibility only previously imagined.