Results: 'night' - Page: 2 of 2 | 20+ symbols found..

Headlights  No comments yet

Headlights in a dream indicate an approaching problem. You may see warning signs in your daily life which have caused you to fear an impending conflict.
To be caught in the headlights in a dream means that you are feeling vulnerable to a problem which appears unstoppable. This may also indicate a fear of being under the spotlight such as an upcoming speech or an important exam.

Birch Tree  No comments yet

Birch trees are commonly seen in dreams in large numbers such as in a heavy, thick forest. Experiencing a dream where you are running through a forest symbolizes feeling of lost or vulnerability. Though this may seem like a negative symbol, generally a forest symbolizes a place you can find yourself and help heading in the right direction.
A single birch tree represents life, so consider what the environment and the characteristics of the tree could be saying about your waking life. For instance, a tree with dropping leaves could symbolize running out of time while a flourishing tree with birds chirping inside symbolizes a thriving, exciting, and lively life.

Shooting Star  No comments yet

To dream of a shooting star symbolizes satisfaction and progression. A shooting star is also an indication of a baby's arrival or transformation.