Results: 'making friends with an enemy' - Page: 16 of 19 | 183+ symbols found..

Toothbrush  No comments yet

To dream about seeing or using a toothbrush indicates that you are wounded by negative appraisals of your behavior or abilities. You are erecting defenses against possible blows. It could also mean that you are vain about your looks and concerned about how other people view you.

Trampoline  No comments yet

To dream that you are jumping on a trampoline signifies your fighting spirit. You get back on your feet no matter how hard your problems appear to be.

To see a trampoline in your dream symbolizes the ebb and flow of life

Video Game  No comments yet

To dream that you are playing a video game is an indication that you have the singular ability to make those around you do things for you, even if they do not wish to. Conversely, it may mean that there is a problem or situation in your waking life that you are attempting to avoid. You may be looking for a way out. It may be interesting to note the type of game you are playing. Does it have any special meaning?

To dream that you are a character within a video game indicates your belief that someone in your waking life is pulling your strings. Because of this, you feel out of control.

Woodpecker  No comments yet

To dream of a woodpecker is a representation that some part of your walking life has been overlooked. The woodpecker represents diligence and industry.

Blacksmith  No comments yet

To dream about a blacksmith is a sign of resilience and fortitude.

Carburetor  No comments yet

To dream of a carburetor is a symbol that all aspects of your life are in perfect harmony. Your body, mind, and spirit are all working together to bring you peace and calmness.

Chalkboard  No comments yet

To dream of a chalkboard symbolizes problems you may have encountered during your childhood and youth. Pay attention to the message that is being conveyed here. Perhaps you need to prove yourself worthy or capable of handling a certain issue or situation. Take note of any words that are present on the chalkboard. This dream may also represent obligations or responsibilities that are in arrears.

Electricity  No comments yet

To dream of electricity indicates the power created by life. You might require some recharging of your own batteries.

To dream that you have lost electricity suggests that you don't have the proper foresight or vision about a particular circumstance.

Necromancer  No comments yet

To dream of a necromancer symbolizes the wicked perils that may possibly be performed by your queer contact.

*See Hypnotist.

Ouija Board  No comments yet

To dream of an Ouija board bodes of failure in a relationship or state of affairs. It may also indicate successive disappointment in what you have planned.

Dreaming of a non-functioning Ouija board embodies difficulties caused by prioritizing pleasures over work and goals.