Results: 'life support' - Page: 5 of 5 | 49+ symbols found..

Paramedics  No comments yet

Paramedics in a dream symbolize assistance.
To be saved by paramedics in a dream may symbolize the power of your friends to help you through hard times.

Independent  No comments yet

To dream of being independent foretells of a foe who might be looking for the perfect timing to harm or sabotage you.

Walking Stick  No comments yet

To dream of a walking stick should be seen as a warning. You are making rash decisions in your waking life and over-committing yourself.

If you are using a walking to stick to move, you may want to consider how much you rely on those around you for advice. Are you taking advantage of a friendship?

Defibrillator  No comments yet

To dream of a defibrillator indicates that you may be about to receive a sudden and revitalizing gift.

Jekyll and Hyde  No comments yet

To dream of Jekyll and Hyde indicates that you are ambivalent over an important situation in your waking life.

To dream of becoming overwhelmed by a dangerous aspect of your personality suggests that if you were to release your dangerous side, your life could spin out of control.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde appearing in a dream are strong reminders of the need to release emotion before it explodes. Finding someone to talk to may be important at this time.