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Ginger  No comments yet

To dream of ginger suggests your contentment and safety in life. However, you may need to bring more adventure and opportunities to your life.

Airbag  No comments yet

Dreaming about an air bag symbolizes the presence of protection and safety at the moment in your waking life.
Alternatively, if you dream about seeing the airbag deploy in a vehicle, it is a sign of warning that you're about to get hit with a major setback if you continue the current pace in your life.

Sinking  No comments yet

To dream that you or something is sinking implies that you feel overpowered by a situation, issue, or person. You may harbor emotions of unworthiness and unimportance. It is possible that you may be reaching the conclusion of a phase or period in your life. Pay attention to the item that is sinking and determine the symbolism of this item.

*See Drowning

Spirits  No comments yet

To dream that you are talking to an unknown spirit implies that you are being manipulated or taken advantage of by someone close to you.

Generally, if the spirit is known and welcomed, it represents success and prosperity in your occupation.

Stomach  No comments yet

To dream of your own stomach implies that you will be facing transformations and alterations. Perhaps you are reluctant for these transformations to occur. It may also reflect your feelings of distaste towards someone or something. The stomach is normally associated with our feelings.

Suicide  No comments yet

To dream that you commit suicide suggests that you have run out of ways to deal with certain problems or issues in your life. None of the methods are proving to be successful. It's possible that you are feeling remorse and instead of expressing those emotions, you are chastising yourself. On a more positive note, it may imply that you have found a way to discard negative emotions or qualities.

To see someone commit suicide in you dream indicates that you are worried for their well-being. Pay attention to the attributes this person may possess. They may represent similar aspects of your own personality that you want to get rid of. Maybe you detest this person's qualities and believe that if you possess similar traits, you want to discard them as well.

Deja Vu  No comments yet

To dream of experiencing deja vu may be your unconscious registering the energy of a previous lifetime. Alternatively, try to remember as much of your dream as possible. There could be hidden life-changing and extremely significant information.

Demeter  No comments yet

To dream of Demeter is a powerful sign of impending marriage, possibly of someone close to you. There is also the likelihood of a fertile season ahead for you and your loved ones.

Lamppost  No comments yet

To dream of a lamppost denotes that someone you least expected will go out of his or her way to help you out in your troubled moment.

Mattress  No comments yet

To dream of a mattress implies that you should concentrate on certain obligations for the near future.

To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress indicates that you are comfortable and satisfied with your current situation.