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Glow Stick  No comments yet

A dream about seeing a glow stick represents both a guiding light in the dark and a sense of fun that can only be experienced at night. It could represent an exciting secret or an enjoyable activity that is only available to be experienced in a very strict and limited time frame.

Glow  No comments yet

To dream about a glow represents a realization that fresh information or perspective has been cast upon a situation. You have found a new perspective, and this is positive.

Sticker  No comments yet

To dream of stickers implies that you want to revert back to your youth - a more innocent and simple time. Consider what is displayed on the sticker. This could pertain to a certain quality or attribute that you are finding it difficult to dispose of.

Yard Stick  No comments yet

To dream of a yard stick foreshadows anxiety regarding personal and/or business affairs.

Walking Stick  No comments yet

To dream of a walking stick should be seen as a warning. You are making rash decisions in your waking life and over-committing yourself.

If you are using a walking to stick to move, you may want to consider how much you rely on those around you for advice. Are you taking advantage of a friendship?

Wand  No comments yet

The wand is a symbol of love and the great power it can have over our lives.

To dream of the wand is an indication that you will soon experience this power. It may further be meant to remind you of your true good nature.

Belly  No comments yet

To see your belly in your dream suggests that you are finally coming to terms with inner emotions or turmoil. The belly represents sentiments that aren't being communicated. This dream may also mean that you should have faith in your instincts.

To see a pregnant belly indicates that you have buried feelings deep inside and they are about to be exposed. It is too difficult to keep them hidden any longer.

To dream that you are stroking or touching a belly implies that you recognize and accept feelings that you harbor inside. These feelings have been buried for a long period of time, but you realize that you must confront them.

Blush  No comments yet

To dream about wearing blush makeup signals that you desire to be more articulate and affectionate.

Humid  No comments yet

Humidity often refers to discomfort or vagueness. Similarly, to dream of a humid atmosphere points to a state of confusion or lack of information in dealing with a certain situation.

Decoy  No comments yet

To dream of a decoy suggests that you are being distracted from your life path thus suggesting a need to be strong in your choices and follow through. To dream of more than one decoy implies that you may be easily distracted and often find justification for giving up. To dream of a decoy that doesn't succeed in distracting you indicates that you have time to gather resources necessary for an exciting change.

Hockey  No comments yet

Hockey is a very competitive and challenging game. The act of wearing protective gear and playing defense reflects achievement and the need to protect yourself and your goals.

To dream about hockey while being chased in the middle of the game refers to all the hardships encountered in pursuit of your goals.

Impale  No comments yet

To dream that you are being impaled symbolizes a powerful, violent, or ardent release of your repressed feelings. You have been symbolically liberated from the physical boundaries of your own psyche. You are no longer holding back in expressing your aggressive emotions. Try to recall which body part is being impaled for added clues on the significance of your dream.

Warmth  No comments yet

To dream of feeling warmth is an indication of a renewed burst of energy for an old project. An idea you may have thought you had put aside forever may be bought into the open again.

Dreaming of someone feeling warm to you may be suggesting that another person has the solution to a current thought or question. Note the person or things in the dream for further clues.

To dream of feeling too warm may be alerting you to the fact that you are uncomfortable about an issue in your waking life and need to take action quickly.

Matches  No comments yet

To dream of a match implies that you should revive an old relationship or situation that has been neglected.

Crayons  No comments yet

To dream of crayons symbolizes a stage of your life where you had less responsibilities and obligations. This could be from your youth or a time before you left home and had a family of your own. It also represents imagination and invention. Perhaps you should develop more innovative and interesting ideas. Pay attention to the color of the crayon to determine deeper meanings.