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Making Out  No comments yet

To dream of making out suggests a need for physical touch and connection.

A message of self-nurturing is held within this dream, and massage and/or immersing yourself in water can help gain the equilibrium needed to make the necessary emotional connection.

Water Hose  No comments yet

To be hit with a water hose in a dream symbolizes a surprise situation. Consider the phrase "getting hosed" where you have been overwhelmed or exhausted by a bad situation.
Alternatively, a water hose in a dream may symbolize sex or the male sex organ.

Beech Tree  No comments yet

Dreaming of a beech tree symbolizes life. It is important to note the environment the tree is in as well as its condition. A beech tree within a barren land means your life is flourishing, but you feel like the people and situations around you aren't keeping up adequately. A small-sized beech tree represents youth whereas a tree in winter represents wisdom and old age.

Baby Shower  No comments yet

To dream about a baby shower is an indication of a fresh beginning. You will have the opportunity for a fresh start. It is an affirmation of life itself.

Paper Plates  No comments yet

In a dream, paper plates symbolize transience.
To see a pile of dirty paper plates in a dream represents empty nourishment. You may be exhausted and feeling like no one is able to help you.
Paper plates from a party in a dream represent other people's problems. You may be tired of picking up their mess.

Adam and Eve  No comments yet

A dream about Adam and Eve holds a particularly strong religious symbolism for many, but in general, their presence within our dreams symbolizes the beginning of something of great significance to the dreamer.
It may also indicate deception, or a feeling of being caught out, exposed or punished in waking life.

Birthday Cake  No comments yet

A birthday cake in a dream means that your desires will be attained. It also signifies that you're comfortable with opening yourself up to other people.