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Balloon  No comments yet

To dream of balloons represents deflating aspirations and difficulty in life. Something in your life could spiral downhill. Balloons are also indicative of an overinflated ego. Black balloons signify depression, especially if they are falling to earth.

To dream of a rising balloon means that situations in your life are working to elevate above you. This is your inner yearning to break free of it. Balloons within dreams also signify gatherings and joyous parties. You should revisit your inner youth.

To dream about rising in a hot air balloon indicates an unlucky voyage.

If a balloon pops in your dream, this represents an aspiration that has not yet been realized. This could also be indicative of pressure in your life that is becoming unbearable.

Backyard  No comments yet

To dream about your backyard indicates recollections of your youth or subconscious. The things in your backyard are those that you wish to remain buried in the past. The neatness of your backyard indicates the balance in your own life. This dream also indicates hardship.

Swastika  No comments yet

To dream of a swastika represents negative emotions such as revulsion, maliciousness, brutality, and devastation. It usually relates to Nazi thoughts and opinions.

Birthday  No comments yet

To dream about your birthday symbolizes your sense of self-esteem. You are honoring yourself as a person, and you totally accept yourself.

Birdbath  No comments yet

To dream of a birdbath means coming clean about something, particularly to yourself and the universe. More specifically, it represents cleansing the soul of secrets and pain, and coming to terms with something. If you have a secret that you have been trying to deny to yourself or the world, the birdbath dream is an indication that it may be a good time to come clean.

Creatures  No comments yet

To dream of faceless creatures implies that you are reluctant to deal with an issue, even though you fully acknowledge its existence. This dream may also indicate that you feel anxious and apprehensive about some issue or situation that you are experiencing.

Insurance  No comments yet

To dream that you are buying insurance suggests that you have issues of trust. This mirrors fear and paranoia of losing something or someone close to you. Also, it represents your need to feel secure.

Quadrille  No comments yet

The dream of dancing the quadrille foreshadows that your near future will be occupied with a pleasing pursuit. You will enjoy yourself and relax.

Leftovers  No comments yet

To dream of eating leftovers represents a desire to reconnect with family life. Leftovers often symbolize a connection to home and a closeness to one's childhood.
Alternatively a dream of leftovers may indicate a fear of losing status.

Politician  No comments yet

To dream that you are a politician represents your two-faced, manipulative, and deceitful persona. You try to convince others to side with your views and ideas.

To see a politician in your dream indicates indecision. It signifies your need to take a stand on issues you are facing in real life.