Results: 'flying fish' - Page: 2 of 2 | 16+ symbols found..

Betta Fish  No comments yet

Dreaming of a Betta Fish, also known as a Siamese fighting fish, symbolizes your long reserved idea is about to become something useful. It may be a good time to search and uncover your bright side of repressed desires.

Fish Market  No comments yet

To dream about visiting a fish market indicates that there will be capability and satisfaction in your future.

To dream about decaying fish in a market indicates that bad news will be disguised as pleasure and joy.

Fishing Rod  No comments yet

To dream about a fishing rod suggests the journey to reveal your subconscious mind. You are ready to deal with feelings and situations that have been buried.

Flying Machine  No comments yet

To dream of seeing a flying machine suggests that you will move forward successfully with the ambitions and goals you have set forth.

To dream about a flying machine that doesn't work indicates that the things you are fretting over, or worrying about, will fail to alleviate your concerns.