Results: 'evil' - Page: 2 of 3 | 21+ symbols found..

Villain  No comments yet

A villain in a dream symbolizes negative influences within yourself and coming from others. You may be feeling tempted by unsavory desires.

Yin Yang  No comments yet

To dream of yin yang is to dream of perfect balance. You may desire perfect balance or the meeting of your spiritual counterpart.

Note the environment of the dream for an idea as to where balance is needed in your life. By becoming centered and balanced you will begin attracting positive experiences to enhance your life.

Hagstone  No comments yet

To dream of finding a hagstone indicates a charmed or lucky person. Holding a hagstone in your hands suggests a great deal of power is currently at your disposal. To dream of throwing a hagstone is a message to think positively as you may lack of personal empowerment. Literally, to dream of a seeing a hagstone in the distance may be indicating that it is time to get your eyes checked. To find a hagstone in water indicates the power to recover from a recent emotional trauma. On the whole a hagstone in a dream is a fortunate omen.

Succubus  No comments yet

To dream of a succubus is a warning that someone that you think is harmless may be taking advantage of you without your knowledge. Watch out for a person that may be overly interested in your personal affairs.

Bogeyman  No comments yet

A popular dream symbol, the Boogeyman either represents your fears or a part of you that you are suppressing something. Many dream theorists advise dreamers to face their Boogeyman and engage it in a conversation the next time they encounter it in a dream. Though scary, this is said to reveal many things about a person and possibly even help them to accept and welcome the suppressed part of them back into their life in some way. Therefore, facing your fears in a dreamstate changes the way you see this fear in waking life.

Black Cat  No comments yet

A black cat appearing in your dream represents superstition and speculation. Depending upon your waking opinion of what black cats symbolize, either good luck or a bad omen, your dream cat may be tipping you off about what your subconscious self believes the near future has in store for you: either good or bad luck.
If the black cat is clawing or attacking you in a dream, then it means that you must accept the situation and should carefully go with your own instinct. You can no longer deny it but never forget to always proceed with caution.

Black Magic  No comments yet

Experiencing black magic in a dream indicates a dangerous path you may be going down or a dangerous opportunity that has presented itself to you in waking life. Whatever form this danger may take, your subconscious mind is exploring the possibilities and consequences using black magic in your dream.

Adam and Eve  No comments yet

A dream about Adam and Eve holds a particularly strong religious symbolism for many, but in general, their presence within our dreams symbolizes the beginning of something of great significance to the dreamer.
It may also indicate deception, or a feeling of being caught out, exposed or punished in waking life.

Pandora's Box  No comments yet

To dream of Pandora's Box suggests a belief that you are dangerous or evil. A toxic belief system may be at play. You could be protecting yourself against intimacy because you may hurt your loved ones.

To open Pandora's box is a strong indication that you may need to seek help in opening your heart and may, in fact, be ready to do so.

Haunted House  No comments yet

Dreaming of a haunted house represents an unsettled past. You may have unresolved problems with past friends or family which are causing you feelings of guilt or anxiety.
Dreaming that you are lost or trapped inside a haunted house means that these feelings have limited your abilities in other aspects of your life.