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Upholstery  No comments yet

To rip upholstery in a dream symbolizes uncovering inner strengths.
To dream that you re-upholster a piece of furniture represents self-renewal and reinvention.

Tootsie Roll  No comments yet

To dream that you are eating a tootsie roll means you are enjoying being in a good situation but you are going to have a tough time to stay there. You may have some challenges in order to maintain your current status. To be surrounded by tootsie rolls can indicate a craving for sweets.

Birthday Cake  No comments yet

A birthday cake in a dream means that your desires will be attained. It also signifies that you're comfortable with opening yourself up to other people.

Valentine's Day  No comments yet

To dream of Valentine's Day implies a romantic heart and that you hope to bring a deeper love into your life.

Dreaming of feeling sad or disappointed on Valentine's day suggests that it is time to make a strong commitment to your own happiness. You may need to organize a special ritual just for yourself: for example, write a 'love letter' and read it to yourself in the moonlight.