Results: 'dream of a kiss from a dead person' - Page: 7 of 28 | 274+ symbols found..

Joker  No comments yet

A joker in a dream represents the devious side of your personality. In a dream the joker might lure you into actions which in your daily life would be taboo or dangerous.

Usher  No comments yet

A dream in which you are an usher symbolizes your desire to care for others and help to give them guidance.
To be led by an usher in a dream indicates that you seek guidance for yourself.

Below  No comments yet

Observing someone or something from below in your dream is an indication of just not being good enough. Whether you are below this object or the person may have some sort of power or authority over you, it implies insufficiency, mediocre or substandard thus it may be reflecting your feeling of lacking or being lowly in your waking life.

Galaxy  No comments yet

To dream about the galaxy signifies your imagination. It also indicates that you are taking in the big picture and are more in touch with the world and events around you.

Farmer  No comments yet

To dream about being a farmer represents your ability to create things. You may not be working as hard as you can in life. You may have to make a greater effort to achieve the things you want.

Faucet  No comments yet

To dream about a faucet represents your attempts to both rein in your inappropriate feelings and show your appropriate feelings. This dream can also indicate melancholy and being upset.

To dream of a leaky faucet signifies concerns or issues you might have of a sexual nature.

Jackal  No comments yet

To dream of a jackal is a symbol of influence and control. You have a habit of using others for your own benefit without any thought of their welfare.

Lagoon  No comments yet

To dream of seeing a lagoon symbolizes misunderstanding and reservation in your expressions.

Lawyer  No comments yet

To dream that you are a lawyer refers to the availability of help at your disposal. It is about time to let go of pride and approach the people who are in a good position to help in your current problem.

Leader  No comments yet

To dream that you are a leader symbolizes your capability to assume headship. You are able to assert ideas and suggestions and you are in a good position to impart wisdom and guidance to others.

The dream may also indicate that you are merely going with the flow and suggests a need to play an active part in a situation. Be fully accountable in your decisions and behavior.