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Crop  No comments yet

To dream that you are tending to your crop symbolizes your potential, self-esteem, and inner spirit. Your efforts and dedication will reap your desired rewards.

Deck  No comments yet

To dream that you are out on the deck signifies your affiliation with your inner being and with nature that surrounds you. You should become attuned more to your background.

Drop  No comments yet

To dream that you are dropping things suggests that you are relieving yourself of some job, companionship, individual, or notion. You should pay attention to what it is that you are dropping. Also, this dream could indicate your recklessness. You may be wishing you didn't let something get away from you.

List  No comments yet

To dream that you are making a list signifies something that is giving you pressure and making you uneasy. This may be due to a problem or a situation in your waking life.

Blue  No comments yet

To dream of the color blue symbolizes honesty, integrity, intelligence, dedication, solace, and divinity. You may be wanting to escape from the pressures of life. You have an extremely positive outlook on life and believe that you will experience only good in your future.
Depending on the context of your dream, the color blue can also reflect a mood of anguish and despair.

Keel  No comments yet

To dream of a keel signifies the need to examine your current direction in your waking life. Are you on the path that serves you best?

To dream of a keel indicates that a thorough investigation into recent life choices would be beneficial for your ultimate happiness.

Hair  No comments yet

To dream of hair covering your face suggests an emotional anxiety in the company of others and particularly in intimate relationships. Looking out from behind a veil of hair in a dream shows that you may be keeping your true feelings hidden as you have a deep fear of rejection in close relationships.

To dream of hair falling out indicates extreme fears may be running unchecked in your emotional body. There is a strong message here to examine your inner world before stress manifests itself from uneasiness. If the loss of hair in a dream is random and in clumps, a fear of death is lurking and needs to be addressed so as to improve your general demeanor.

Dreaming of watching someone else lose their hair may be a reminder to forgive a member of your immediate family and attempt to build bridges instead of waiting for the other party to make the first move. To dream of waking up covered in hair suggests a need to come to terms with your body and begin to appreciate all it does for you. This is a message of self-love and that you can find the courage needed to make an all important connection with yourself.

Dreaming of hair in your mouth implies confusion related to responsibility. It is possible that you may be abdicating responsibility, but more likely you are receiving mixed messages and consequently taking on responsibility that doesn't belong to you. Seeing hair before you in a dream indicates an embarrassing moment best forgotten. Noticing hair in your food suggests you may have been dwelling on a humiliating moment from your past. This is something that cannot be changed and needs to be released.

To dream of hair tied in a sleek knot is an indication of special person in your waking life. The knot is to remind you of the special gift you have received through having known that person. Dreaming of hair in tangles or messy knots implies a messy waking life that needs some tidying up. Tangled hair is a reminder to examine your life for opportunities to simplify and organize. Braided hair in your dream is the unconscious recognition of childlike innocence and successful organization skills. A rational mind and a playful heart may be the ticket to great success for you at this time. To dream of a radical hairstyle change, indicates a potential holiday or change of scene in coming days. Some time away may broaden your perspective on a current idea and bring about an exciting outcome.

Cutting somebody's hair in a dream suggests a wish for control in a relationship, quite likely with a work colleague. If your hair is being cut in a dream it is possible that you believe an idea of yours has been stolen and resentment is consequently building within you. To be styling, combing or grooming your own hair or a loved one's hair, implies special care is being given or needs to be given to an important undertaking in your waking life.

Smelling hair in a dream is a message of secrets. To be enjoying the aroma of hair may mean exciting and happy secrets that you will derive pleasure from. To be dreaming of foul-smelling hair implies secrets you would rather not hear and that you are not obligated to keep. It is also a subtle reminder to refuse to keep secrets when you know it is not healthy for you to do so.

Prune  No comments yet

To dream that you are pruning suggests development and growth. Your dream may be telling you to do away with what is no longer useful and making space for the growth of new ideas.

Spill  No comments yet

To dream that you spill something on someone implies that you need to be more cautious in your life and respect others. Your actions are causing other people distress and anxiety.

To dream that you spill some food suggests that you should stop eating that particular food.

Steps  No comments yet

To dream of steps is a symbol of the methods and systems that you are using in order to obtain your objectives or prosperity. This dream may be suggesting that you should slow down and try not to handle too many responsibilities at once. Perhaps you should be risky and venture down the road that leads to your objectives.