Results: 'brown' - Page: 2 of 2 | 18+ symbols found..

Maroon  No comments yet

If you have no particular association with the color maroon, your subconscious mind may be calling attention to the person, object or location that was colored maroon in your dream, a subconscious highlighting effect. If your dream features the color maroon and this particular color has any meaningful connection in your waking life like your favorite sweater color is maroon or your first car was maroon, then your subconscious mind is drawing attention to this object or memory.

Caramel  No comments yet

To dream of caramel suggests there is a situation in your life that is not pleasing you to such a degree that it feels as though your joy is being sucked away. This may be a person, place or thing that is strongly connected to you and that you feel you cannot remove easily. The message from the unconscious is to find your place of power and soak in it until the offending person or thing falls away naturally.

Bluebird  No comments yet

To dream about a bluebird is a symbol or contentment as well as distress. It also represents cleansing of thoughts, and solutions to your dilemmas.

Brunette  No comments yet

To dream of seeing or being a brunette is an indication that you should be more honest and direct. It might also represent your steamy sexuality.

Television  No comments yet

To dream of watching television is indicative of one's own thought processes. The fluidity of the television program represents the fluidity of your own mind and thoughts, and the program itself may be providing you with a more objective view of your own ideas and opinions.

Gingerbread  No comments yet

Gingerbread represents a comfort food usually presented at the most familial time of the year. To dream of this symbol indicates your communion with family, a close relationship or interaction with the one who is deeply loved and great significance in the area of emotional support.

Black and White  No comments yet

To see a dream in black and white indicates your need for more decisive and clear action. Your subconscious is instructing you to conduct your waking life with more purpose and clarity and eliminate excessive gray areas.
Alternatively, noticing that you are dreaming in black and white and that your dream is rather dull, it may be your subconscious suggesting you to add more excitement or 'color' to your waking life.