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Worm  No comments yet

To dream of a worm is an indication of negativity and general weakness. You have a poor self-image or a low opinion of a family member or friend.

To see a worm crawling on some part of your body is an indication that someone in your waking life is taking advantage of you and your kindness.

White  No comments yet

To dream of the color white is symbolic of exclusivity, the new world, appeal, protest, reform, miscarriage succession, virginity, purity, simplicity, justice, and innocence.

Whitewash  No comments yet

To dream of yourself whitewashing implies that you are trying to change your habits and ways. It may also imply that you are just trying to cover up your flaws and pretend to change.

White Moth  No comments yet

To dream of a white moth foreshadows a sickness, possibly fatal, for a loved one.

Black and White  No comments yet

To see a dream in black and white indicates your need for more decisive and clear action. Your subconscious is instructing you to conduct your waking life with more purpose and clarity and eliminate excessive gray areas.
Alternatively, noticing that you are dreaming in black and white and that your dream is rather dull, it may be your subconscious suggesting you to add more excitement or 'color' to your waking life.

Acne  No comments yet

To dream of having acne could indicate self-esteem or self-image issues. You're uncomfortable in a relationship or a particular situation. If, in your dreams, you're popping the acne, it means that you should face your negative emotions.

Opal  No comments yet

To dream of an opal symbolizes sexual levels and desires. Your dream suggests the need to respond passionately in your romantic affair.

Snow  No comments yet

To dream of snow represents your reservations and reluctance to deal with certain issues and situations. Instead of keeping these feelings hidden, you need to communicate them effectively. It is also possible that you are feeling 'left out in the cold' and others are ignoring you. If the snow is melting then it implies that you accept and understand your emotions and have found a way to express them. You are managing to work through your hardships and problems.

To see dirty snow in your dream implies that you have reached a new level of maturity. You no longer hold the opinions and beliefs that you did when you were younger. Your life has been drastically altered in a negative way.

To dream that you are watching the snow fall symbolizes a new beginning and a change in your outlook. It means that you feel calm and serene.

To dream that you are playing in the snow implies that you are feeling overworked and requiring some rest and enjoyment.

To dream that you find something in the snow indicates that you are seeking to develop your hidden possibilities and skills. Perhaps you have discovered that you have an aptitude for a certain skill. It may also suggest that you need to absolve yourself or someone else of a transgression.

Slide  No comments yet

To dream that you or somebody else is on a slide represents an issue or aspect that is not firm or committed. Perhaps you have no control over an issue or circumstance in your life.

Blood  No comments yet

To see blood in your dream is a symbol of energy, excitement and frustration. If you see the word 'blood' written in your dream, it may be a reflection of some issue regarding stubbornness or rigidity.

To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood means that you are mentally fatigued. It can also symbolize a hurtful conflict existing in a personal relationship. Perhaps you regret some action you performed. This is a popular dream for expectant women and women who are in their menstrual cycle.

To dream that something is written in blood indicates that you possess much determination and drive. You refuse to quit a task until it is completed.

To dream that you are drinking blood implies that you feel invigorated and full of energy.

Bread  No comments yet

To dream about bread indicates the most primal requirements of life. This dream could represent the better aspects of knowledge you have gained along your path in life.
Seeing fresh bread is a good fortune and the more bread you see, the better life and prosperity lies ahead. However, if you dream of eating or seeing an old, dirty or staled bread, it means the opposite as you may be faced with hardships and difficulties financially or socially.
A dream of throwing away moldy bread means that success can be better achieved by doing something new instead of continue doing the same old.

Louse  No comments yet

Please See Lice.

Egret  No comments yet

To dream of an egret suggests that you may be someone who enjoys their own company, despite pressure to mix with more people in your waking life. You may achieve more pleasant results by accepting yourself as the loner that you are. Independent thought will serve you well at this time but be open to change when necessary. More than one egret in a dream suggests that it is time for some unusual but timely social interaction. Egrets also suggest a situation in your waking life that calls for balance and is a reminder that you have the power to achieve a fine result as long as you remain calm and centered.

Virus  No comments yet

To catch a virus in a dream represents spiritual or emotional contamination. You may be feeling vulnerable to the negative influence of others.
To dream of catching a computer virus symbolizes a lack of control in a part of your life, particularly at work.

Teeth  No comments yet

In a dream, the teeth symbolize our connection to society. Our smiles are what make first impressions with our friends, coworkers and strangers. To have teeth which are dirty, stained, cracked or broken in a dream represent problems making connections with people. You may be worried that the people you meet do not truly know you, are getting the wrong impression, or can only see you for your flaws.

Your teeth in a dream may also represent your ability to care for yourself. Brushing our teeth is a daily task which shows the respect we have for ourselves and the care that we take in public presentation. A dream in which you brush your teeth indicates that you might need to take control of yourself, your public image or your situation and gain confidence. A dream in which your teeth are falling out symbolizes an inability to care for the small responsibilities you have while you are awake. You might be worried that you cannot handle many tasks which have accumulated at work or at home.

Dreams about teeth also very commonly occur when you are having tooth or mouth pain in reality. You may already have noticed a pain while you are awake, and this pain has continued while you are asleep and had a strong influence over your dreams. If you have not noticed a pain while you are awake, you might be grinding your teeth while you sleep, causing some discomfort. A dream in which you hear loud grinding industrial noises might be a result of this problem.