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Goldenrod  No comments yet

To see a goldenrod in your dream represents false accusations, misunderstandings and persecutions.

Bluebells  No comments yet

Bluebells in a dream portend growth and beauty. Your subconscious mind will show you bluebells when concerned about getting older and growing spiritually along with being beautiful, finding natural beauty, or staying beautiful as you age. Noticing a prominent bell shape foretells someone will bring you news or you may just have received communication of some sort with more to follow.

Vegetables  No comments yet

To dream of vegetables is an indication that you need to consider your spiritual or religious self. It may be more blunt as you need more nourishing foods in your diets.

To see vegetables that have withered or aged is an indication that you are sad.

Nasturtiums  No comments yet

To dream of nasturtiums indicates an unusual conversation may occur, and it suggests keeping all your senses alert. There may be unexpected emotional gifts or connections related to an unusual conversation.

Blackberries  No comments yet

A dream in which you see or eat blackberries means that you are acting without caution. It is also symbolic of repressed carnal urges.

Magnolia Tree  No comments yet

To dream of a magnolia tree in full bloom indicates the strength of will to come forward and make change as necessary. It implies much spiritual support and a deep resolve.

Flowers falling or wilting in a dream is a reminder to take time for yourself to regenerate. This will enable you to face a current issue with a toughness that may not be questioned.

Bougainvillea  No comments yet

Dreaming of a flowering bougainvillea symbolizes thriving life and experiences. If the bougainvillea noticeably grows in your dream, it is a symbol of development of something that is likely to progress and grow.
Similarly, the flowering and growing bougainvillea also represents being proud of your progress and achievements.

Chrysanthemums  No comments yet

To dream of chrysanthemums in your dream symbolizes represents wealth, success, modesty, and appreciation. It may also indicate that you shouldn't voice your opinion or thoughts regarding a certain issue.

Valentine's Day  No comments yet

To dream of Valentine's Day implies a romantic heart and that you hope to bring a deeper love into your life.

Dreaming of feeling sad or disappointed on Valentine's day suggests that it is time to make a strong commitment to your own happiness. You may need to organize a special ritual just for yourself: for example, write a 'love letter' and read it to yourself in the moonlight.

Bird of Paradise  No comments yet

Dreaming of a bird of paradise plant represents quirkiness with excitement. This quirky excitement may be random and unexpected.
Dreaming of the bird type, bird of paradise, also symbolizes an unusual persona and/or appearance in waking life. You may feel unconventional and out of ordinary, even though you may not have admitted this to yourself yet.