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Fish  No comments yet

To dream that you see fish in clear water streams indicates that you will find approval from the wealthy and the distinguished.

For young women to dream of fish suggests that she will find a charming, good-looking mate. If the fish is swimming, then this could indicate conception. Some women will dream of fish swimming when they become pregnant. The fish is also an old symbol of Christianity.

To dream about eating fish represents your faith, fortune, spirituality, stamina, kindness, and lasting relationships.

To dream about wading into water to catch fish suggests that you will find fortune through your talents and efforts.

To dream about dead fish represents that you may lose money or influence through a difficult circumstance.

To dream about cooking fish suggests that you are combining new beliefs with your faith and wisdom. If you are cleaning fish then you are changing your outward expressions so they will be more satisfying to others. You are purging ill intent and being cautious of how you present your feelings.

Flying  No comments yet

To dream that you are flying generally suggests a feeling of being unencumbered where previously you may have been held down.

To dream that you are flying with ease and enjoying the view indicates that you are dealing with circumstances well. You have elevated above some situation and you may have found a different point of view on things. Dreams of flying and managing your flight is indicative of your own sense of empowerment.

If you're dreaming that you are having trouble staying in flight can represent a feeling of powerlessness. You may not feel as though you control your destiny. Things may be feeling as though they are getting the best of you. Barriers like power lines, trees, or mountains can represent people or things in life that are blocking your progress. You need to figure out who these people are.

If the landscape below your flight is full of green life then you will endure momentary humiliation but once that is past, then you will reap rewards.

To dream about seeing the sun while you're flying suggests concerns that have no power over you since you will succeed in spite of them.

To dream about flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets indicates starvation, war, and the tragedies of ancient periods.

To dream that you are flying with black wings indicates that you may encounter terrible setbacks.

To fall while you're flying represents your ruin. If you wake while you are falling, then you will manage to pull yourself back up and reestablish yourself.

Flying  No comments yet

To dream of flying usually represents liberation from something in your waking life that had been 'holding you down' lately. Think back to the details of your surroundings before you took off. They can hint as to what you were trying to escape from.

You could've been atop the building of a school, which could represent academic achievements or a freedom of stress from work-related issues.
You could just as well have taken flight from the peak of a mountain, which would suggest the time-consuming defeat of an obstacle in your life. But where you came from is just as important as where you were going. So where were you going? The possibilities are endless. If you were simply soaring through the sky, this could be the beginning of a spiritual journey.

In Christianity, the sky holds the Heavens where the good would go to be one with the Father after they were separated from their bodies on Earth. In other religions, the sky is home to the Gods. Thus in dreams, to enter into the sky is to gain a sort of soulful knowledge, whether it is about yourself or about the world in general. This is generally a very good dream. To dream of flying peacefully into the sun is even better, possibly a good fortune is coming your way.

If you were not flying solely of your own accord, the thing which carried you will reveal more about your predicament. Perhaps you were in an airplane. This can suggest that your vast knowledge and mechanical skills were taking you to where you were headed. If you were riding a sort of creature on the other hand, like a dragon for instance, you must then look to the nature of the animal. Dragons are fierce, strong and wise. Therefore, you were 'riding' on these instincts or qualities in this situation.

Dreams of flying are always joyous ones. They foretell change, transformation and success. This is why they are so common. Everyone goes through phases in their life. Nothing ever stays the same all the time. Use them as a sign of good fortune and push on, knowing that you'll soon be 'flying high'.

Fishnet  No comments yet

To dream of a fishnet indicates many simple pleasures and rewards. This dream could also represent an anxiety or concern about being discovered or caught in the act.

To dream about a ripped fishnet indicates exasperating regrets.

Fishing  No comments yet

To dream about fishing represents vitality and resources. If you fail to catch any fish, then your attempts to earn money or honors will fail.

To dream about ice fishing indicates that you are cracking through a difficult internal barrier or dealing with emotions that are buried within your subconscious. This dream may also indicate your need for some relaxation and time off.

Fishpond  No comments yet

To dream about a well-stocked fishpond indicates a positive business venture and great enjoyment.

To dream about a muddy fishpond indicates that you could become ill due to debauchery.

To dream about an empty fishpond suggests that mortal enemies could be coming closer.

To dream that you fall into a clear fishpond suggests that your future will have goodwill, positive fortune, and reciprocated affection. If the water is murky, then the opposite will be true.

Fishhooks  No comments yet

To dream of fishhooks suggests that you can have good fortune and opportunities if you apply your abilities.

This dream can also suggest that you are attracted to or 'hooked' by something. Someone could attempt to deceive you into helping them or accepting their point of view.

Fisherman  No comments yet

To dream of a fisherman indicates that you are approaching a period of prosperity greater than any you have known. This dream could also indicate that there is something in your life that you are attempting to seize.

Fish Eggs  No comments yet

To dream about fish eggs suggests that there is some notion that has risen up from your subconscious.

Fish Tank  No comments yet

**Please see Aquarium.