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Bird  No comments yet

To dream of a chirping and/or flying bird symbolizes passion, pleasure, and steadiness. You have a positive attitude towards your situation. Emotionally, burdens will be removed and you will find peace and solace.

To dream of dead or dying birds is an indication that you may be facing misfortune or anguish. Minor troubles will consistently plague your thoughts.

To see bird eggs in your dream represents possible prosperity and wealth.

To see birds hatching in your dream indicates that you will achieve a goal.

To see a bird nest in your dream indicates individualism, solace, and protection. You have to have a safety net in case you fail. It may also indicate a potentially successful venture or wealth.

Bites  No comments yet

To see bites in your dream is an indication that someone you trust may try to cause you pain. They may try to injure you or cause you financial losses. Don't be too trusting and naive.

To dream that you are being bitten symbolizes a situation that has been frustrating you. You feel helpless to overcome this hurdle and are unsure of which tactic to take.

To dream that you are being bitten by a vampire implies that someone has been taking advantage of you. You must see this person for who they really are and stop allowing them to influence you negatively.

To dream of biting someone indicates that you are being too controlling or you are being too hard on someone. It's possible that you are jealous or mistrusting. You need to acknowledge these feelings and understand why they exist. Stop being so dominating and ease up on your behavior.

Birdcage  No comments yet

To dream about a birdcage is symbolic of losing liberty. You are feeling hampered and cramped.

Birdseed  No comments yet

To dream of feeding birds with birdseed signifies that you are encouraging your inner characteristics to flourish. It may also imply that you are not being adequately compensated for your hard work.
To dream that you are spreading birdseed on the ground indicates that financial ventures will reap little rewards.

Big Bird  No comments yet

Dreaming of Big Bird is your subconscious mind's way of bringing you back to your childhood life and reminding you of something or a situation that happened back in those times. Big Bird appearing in your dream also symbolizes childhood innocence, happiness, and simplicity.

Birdbath  No comments yet

To dream of a birdbath means coming clean about something, particularly to yourself and the universe. More specifically, it represents cleansing the soul of secrets and pain, and coming to terms with something. If you have a secret that you have been trying to deny to yourself or the world, the birdbath dream is an indication that it may be a good time to come clean.

Birdhouse  No comments yet

To see a birdhouse in your dream implies that you feel emotionally safe and comfortable in your home life. You should concentrate on allowing your emotions and feelings to flourish. It may also represent the rebirth of nature after a harsh winter.

Yellow Bird  No comments yet

To dream of a yellow bird foreshadows increasing good luck in regards to your financial affairs, and decreasing luck regarding affairs of the heart.

To dream that a yellow bird alights on your shoulder symbolizes great misfortune.

To dream of a sick or dead yellow bird foreshadows disaster for you and your affairs.

Bird of Paradise  No comments yet

Dreaming of a bird of paradise plant represents quirkiness with excitement. This quirky excitement may be random and unexpected.
Dreaming of the bird type, bird of paradise, also symbolizes an unusual persona and/or appearance in waking life. You may feel unconventional and out of ordinary, even though you may not have admitted this to yourself yet.

Owl  No comments yet

To dream of an owl characterizes knowledge, opinions, and desirable qualities. Alternatively, dreaming of an owl may also be associated with death and gloom.

Hearing the eerie hoot of an owl connotes dissatisfaction and predicts a lurking death despite a state of gladness and healthiness.

The sight of a dead owl in your dream represents the slim chance of getting over a serious sickness. The dead owl may also symbolize death or end of old ways, as in an imperative change in life.

Dog  No comments yet

To dream about a dog suggests that you have a talent or ability that you've neglected and should rediscover it. Dogs can represent loyalty, security, and faithfulness. Your core principles allow you to press forth and find success. If the dog is growling or angry, then you may be dealing with some internal strife. This could involve a sense of being taken advantage of.

To dream that the dog fondles you suggest that you will make strides in life and have steady friendships.

To dream that you own a dog indicates positive attributes about yourself.

If the dog is dead or dying, it could suggest the loss of a dear acquaintance. It can also represent the breakdown of your instincts.

To dream of a scary and vicious dog attacking you symbolizes adversity and forthcoming of hardship.

To dream that a bloodhound is tracking you suggests that you will continue your endeavor, and if you do, there is caution to be used.

To dream about small dogs suggests that your ideas are compromising your moral integrity.

To dream that a dog bites you suggests that you may have a fight with a lover or business associate. Lean and dirty dogs represent something in business that didn't work out. They can also represent poor health in children.

To dream about a dog show indicates many advantages of good fortune.

To dream of barking dogs warns of bad news. Trouble is likely ahead.

To dream of dogs chasing a fox represents the fast-paced nature of life.

To dream of fancy pet dogs indicates that you enjoy performing. If you are a woman, this could indicate a new man in your life.

To dream about being afraid of a mastiff suggests that you will have some situation that urges you to elevate your efforts. If you're a woman, then you will wed an intelligent and kind man.

To dream about dogs fighting indicates that your enemies will defeat you and you will fall into depression.

To dream about snarling dogs suggests that you are at the whim of manipulating individuals. You may encounter difficult times at home.

To dream of a lone baying dog indicates the death or a long-forgotten friend.

To dream of a dog flying or reaching the top of a building represents impending victory or elevation in status.

If a dog kills a cat in the dream, it denotes some profitable outcome from dealings with people in spite of displeasure.

A dog killing a snake in the dream means your misfortune is replaced with good fortune.

Hen  No comments yet

To dream of a hen may have various meanings. First, it may indicate
gossip and misfortune in your life, especially if you are fond of bragging about trivial matters.

A hen is also a maternal figure.

Another possible interpretation of a hen is the metaphor 'hen-pecked,' which means being picked on.

Kite  No comments yet

To dream that you are flying a kite indicates that you are well-grounded despite your high aspirations and goals in life. You will reap the benefits of your hard work and determination regardless of the challenges faced in your current task. On the other hand, to dream of a kite may also epitomize your spiritual or innocent consciousness.

Swan  No comments yet

To dream of a swan foretells of good fortune, status, and prosperity. Swans are symbolic of elegance, splendor, and majesty.

Hawk  No comments yet

A hawk is known for its unique skill in hunting prey. It is often observed to be roaming in the sky as if preparing for a strategic attack.

To dream of a hawk points to suspicions directed at you. Be more careful in your dealings.

Food  No comments yet

To dream about food suggests physical and spiritual sustenance and vitality. Different foods can represent a variety of things. Fruit usually represents sensuality. Frozen foods could indicate your indifference or cold demeanor.

To dream that you are hoarding food suggests anxiety from not having enough. You don't have faith in what you already have.

To dream about eating stale food indicates that you are out of energy emotionally. You need to be recharged and energized.

To dream about eating bad-tasting food suggests that there is something within your psyche that is bitter or resentful.

Ibis  No comments yet

To dream of an Ibis indicates there may be cause to move house sooner than anticipated. A feeling of sacrificing your comfort for a higher purpose may surround an upcoming event but courage gets you through the necessary change with flying colors. An Ibis in a dream suggests a sense of instability at the thought of having to change address but reminds us that our ultimate acceptance will bring reward and new possibilities may present themselves. A flock of Ibis implies a tremendous amount of support emotionally, financially and spiritually.

Nest  No comments yet

To dream about a nest represents security, family and home. What you place inside the nest in your dream represents something you hold very dearly or which you have taken care of and built over a long time.
A nest filled with eggs in a dream may represent your nest egg, the savings you keep for future financial or emotional security.
The nest might also represent your web of social contacts which you have built to protect yourself and your family in times of crisis.

Gnaw  No comments yet

A dream about gnawing at something indicates things in life that take time to reach your goal requiring persistent effort for a long time. It appears exhausting and takes a lot of tries to achieve it but it may turn out to be the biggest thing you've ever accomplished and something to be proud of through rest of your life.