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Smell  No comments yet

To dream of smelling something represents the emotions that you have associate with an older smell. Your subconscious wants you to remember how this smell made you feel. It's also possible that this smell is surrounding you and it is being absorbed into your dream.

Odor  No comments yet

To dream that you smell a particular order indicates previous happenings and memories. Your dream is an attempt to evoke your personal connection and thoughts associated with that odor.

Aroma  No comments yet

To smell sweet aromas in your dream indicates that you will be presented with an award or reward in the near future. It also represents great happiness and bliss.

Oxygen  No comments yet

To dream of oxygen embodies your existence, inner power, and artistic energy.
A dream involving a lack of oxygen represents your current state of suffocation and oppression.

Perfume  No comments yet

To dream of spraying or wearing perfume symbolizes a need for greater gratification in your life, especially from pleasures derived from sexual activities and luxuries.

Inhaling  No comments yet

To inhale in a dream is to accept outside knowledge. You take in the air which supports life, accepting your reliance upon the network of society which surrounds us all. Deep inhalation breathing is naturally calming; it is used in yoga to become more centered in the present moment. Your subconscious is finding its place in the world.
To inhale something other than air in a dream symbolizes an imbalance and a disconnection from society. You have allowed a single project, emotion, or person to put you off center.

Body Odor  No comments yet

Smelling your body odor in a dream equates to your socially accepted and recognized status. Eliminating body odor is common as a social norm and a courtesy to those around you, however smelling your body odor in a dream points to how you fit in with those around you.
Being humiliated by your body odor in the dream means you are likely not happy with where you stand socially. Smelling your armpit with no body odor indicates that you are likely content with where you are socially, but still concerned with how to maintain your social position.

Bad Breath  No comments yet

Dreaming of bad breath indicates a fear of intimacy or getting any closer to a particular person or situation. To dream that you are the one with bad breath indicates that you are holding back out of fear. Dreaming that someone else has the bad breath suggests that another may be withholding from you also out of fear. In your waking life, look for irrational fear surrounding a situation and resolve it or understand that this is not for you at this time and let it go. On a more physical level, a dream that includes breathing of any kind is also a reminder to breathe with more consciousness regardless, and begin to uplift your general existence.

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